Mure Denoise or Drizzle Integration with Noise Reduction

The PixInsight Mure Denoise Script does a great job of removing noise from your astrophotography images. However, opting for Mure Denoise means that you are unable to use Drizzle Integration. I believe that a 2X drizzle integration creates a smoother final image.

But instead of doing what I believed to be right, I decided to run a test. I was going to compare what my image would look like with my Mure Denoise Script process vs the combination of TGV Denoise and Multiscale Linear Transform combination.



IC 1805 – The Heart Nebula

The Heart Nebula is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The monochrome images shows the glowing, ionized hydrogen gas. Looking at the nebula through a hydrogen-alpha filter, it is quite easy to see how the nebula got its name.

IC 1805 is roughly 7,500 light years away, which means the light captured today, left the nebula 7,500 years ago, about the time humans first started smelting copper.



NGC 7023 – The Iris Nebula

The Iris Nebula is a reflection nebula located in the constellation Cepheus. The nebula is lit by the bright star in the center.

NGC 7023 is roughly 1,300 light years away and 6 light years across, which means these images are capturing the cluster as how it appeared 1,300 years ago
