PixInsight Curves Transformation for Better Color Saturation
Once we integrate our color channels together, we can see the color image start to take shape. However, the colors might dull or muted. With Curves Transformation, we can increase the color saturation to make the colors shine brighter.
Before Color SaturationAfter Color Saturation
This is where color saturation comes in. It allows us to increase the intensity of our colors, as individual channels or as a whole.
Star Mask
At this stage of the editing process, we want to increase color saturation without impacting the star color saturation. In order to do this, we need to have a star mask applied that protects the stars.
Star Mask
To create a star mask, you can either user the Star Mask process or the StarNet process.
Curves Transformation
In order to protect the stars, we need to apply and invert our star mask to our image
Stars Protected
We can now safely use curves transformation to gently increase the color saturation without impacting star color.
Curves Transformation
After Color Saturation
What’s Next
Color saturation helped improve the overall color of our unstretched image.
Before Color SaturationAfter Color Saturation
The next step is leave the linear processing state and permanently stretch the image.